To Schedule An Appointment
Call 518.438.5538
Surgery //
Surgery to correct urinary “stress” incontinence
Burch procedure
TVT procedure
Fascial sling procedure
Surgery to correct urinary “urge” incontinence, frequency, and retention
Sacral nerve stimulation (Interstim implantation)
Surgery to correct pelvic organ prolapse
The vagina is divided into three compartments for the sake of identifying and correcting support defects: anterior, central, and posterior. Anterior compartment defects generally involve either the bladder (cystocele) and/or small intestine (enterocele). Central compartment defects typically involve the uterus (uterine prolapse) and/or small intestine (enterocele). Importantly, uterine and/or ovarian preservation is almost always possible if desired for future fertility or other reasons. Posterior compartment defects involve the rectum (rectocele) and/or small intestine (enterocele). Defects in one compartment can exist independent of or in combination with defects in one of the other compartments. For example, if the vagina is turned completely inside out, all three compartments have defects. Surgical correction of any given patient’s prolapse may include one or more of the following procedures:
For cystoceles:
Anterior colporrhaphy
Paravaginal repair
For rectoceles:
Posterior colporrhaphy
For uterine prolapse:
Uterosacral vaginal vault suspension
For vaginal vault prolapse post-hysterectomy:
Sacrospinous vaginal vault suspension
For other prolapse operations
Urethrocele repair
Surgery to correct a vagina that is too tight or painful
Surgery to correct fecal incontinence
Anterior anal sphincteroplasty
Surgery to correct fistulas (holes in the vagina)
Urethrovaginal fistula repair
Vesicovaginal fistula repair
Rectovaginal fistula repair
Surgery for painful vulvar and vaginal conditions
Vulvar vestibulectomy with vaginal advancement
Excision of swollen glands and masses
Surgery for congenital vulvar and vaginal conditions
Reduction of enlargened labia or labial hypertrophy
Excision of vaginal septum
Creation of new vagina
Hospitals //
Dr. Lobel has operating and admitting privileges at the following hospitals:
St. Peter’s Hospital
Albany Memorial Hospital
Samaritan Hospital
Ellis Hospital
Bellevue Women’s Hospital